Got a .uk Domain? Some Brexit Changes
Ireland's nearest neighbour is the UK. We also share an island with part of the UK. So it's [...]
Ireland's nearest neighbour is the UK. We also share an island with part of the UK. So it's [...]
If you've had a domain name for a few years you might have got email from us [...]
We don't mind saying it: we're pretty bummed about Brexit. You might say it's none of our business, [...]
The domain name registry Nominet recently held a public consultation on how they were planning on dealing [...]
John felt ashamed, he wasn't on any public records anywhere. What indecent act would he have to perform [...]
If you're operating in or marketing your products or services in the UK market then you've probably already [...]
We've always been pretty aggressive about our domain pricing strategy. Over the last couple of years we've barely [...]
If you have registered a UK domain with us, or transferred your existing domain to us, then you [...]
As of today you can register OR renew UK domain names for up to 10 years! So if [...]
Everyone loves iPads. You'd probably be lying if you said otherwise! So here's a really nice promotion from [...]
Blacknight is a 100% Irish owned and run company. It's something we're very proud of.We're also the only [...]
I'm a very strong believer in letting people move their domains and hosting around as much as they [...]