We don’t mind saying it: we’re pretty bummed about Brexit.
You might say it’s none of our business, because we’re Irish, and that’s true in a way – except it actually IS about our business.
We do business in Britain, and in Northern Ireland (and over 130 countries as well!)
We fully intend to continue trading with our UK customers and suppliers, but we can’t help feeling anxious, sometimes, that no one seems to know what kind of trading arrangements will be in place come next March.
I’m sure it will all work out, but in the meantime we’ve decided to cheer ourselves up with a Euro-themed .UK domain sale! And when I say Euro, I mean literally ‘Euro’.
For a limited time, we’re offering ‘UK-family’ domain names for only €1*!
Not bad, you say? But read on: this isn’t just a gimmick.
UK Identity
The ‘UK-family’ are the trusted domains for the UK. Best known are the second-level domains (SLDs) .CO.UK for businesses, and .ORG.UK for non-profits. More recently, .ME.UK has been promoted for more ‘personal’ websites (the name should correspond to a personal name). And now it’s also possible to register a name in the .UK top-level domain itself, e.g. yourname.uk.
Anyone can register a domain name in one of these four domains: you don’t even need to have a UK address. And what you get is a brand that resonates with UK identity.
- UK domains add local relevance to your online identity. Users, and customers, will immediately be able to see that you’re a UK brand
- 4 in 5 people in the UK have a preference for websites with a UK domain when searching or buying online
- UK domains may rank higher for searches made in the UK
So if you do business in the UK – whether you are in the UK or outside it, it’s well worth considering a UK-family domain name. And at €1 for the first year, you’ve got the perfect opportunity.

* Price excludes VAT, and applies to the first year of a new domain name only. Domain will renew at the normal price (currently €7.99 ex VAT).