We want your feedback

UPDATE 28/2: New screenshot added below
The Blacknight hosting platform is very powerful and has a lot of fantastic features.

However, the control panel is not perfect and we are all too aware of this.

The control panel vendors, Parallels, have been working closely with us to improve aspects of the system so that:

  • You are happier
  • We are happier
  • We all have a more pleasant life

Unfortunately we cannot read people’s minds, so we’re going to be asking YOU, our clients,   for feedback on certain aspects of the system in the coming months.

We will do our best to take all the feedback that we receive back to the control panel vendors and get as many of the changes implemented as possible.

One of the areas that we know people have been having issues with is the billing section of the control panel.

We’ve held several conference calls with Parallels and our staff over the last few weeks and they’ve come up with a draft view of how it *could* look moving forward. (NB: there are plans to for an extensive reworking of the billing side of the system in the pipeline, but that could be over 12 months away)

So here is a preview (click to enlarge):

Control panel draft billing shotDo you think this is better than the current display?

Is it worse?

How could it be improved?

What would you like to see here?

Do you want to see this information in this way?

Is there something on the billing side that isn’t clear (with this screenshot)?

Any and all feedback is welcome, though please try to give us something to work with! Comments like “I hate it” may be valid, but they won’t help us improve it.

You can leave comments here or if you prefer feel free to email management@blacknight.com with your feelings.

Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback – we really do appreciate it.

UPDATE: We have received several very helpful emails from clients with quite detailed feedback. Please keep it coming!

UPDATE 2 – Parallels have made some changes based on feedback from us, you and other clients. They’ve supplied an updated screenshot (click to enlarge):
Billing - Screenshot 2All feedback welcome as before


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