Hosting & Domains News

Why We Like to Get out and Talk to Real People [Video]

We like to get out of the data centre whenever possible and meet real people – it keeps us grounded! They don’t come more grounded than Gary McMahan, Colorado cowboy singer and champion yodeler.

Gary and his friends are the subject of a feature-length documentary film by director Doug Morrione. Musicians, poets, and artists, they are also ranchers, horse trainers and craftspeople. Titled, Everything In The Song Is True, the film was shown at IndieCork Film Festival on Sunday afternoon.

I met Gary at the Film Feast on Friday night at the Blacknight Festival Centre, and he was kind enough to tell me how the film came to be.

Gary is only one of the fascinating real people I met at IndieCork, and his story is in good company among the curious, creative crowd who turn up to events on the festival programme. For Blacknight, it’s a great event to sponsor each year, and we’ve been made extraordinarily welcome by the gracious, smiling volunteers who keep everything moving smoothly.

Our workshop on Saturday (How to Make a Website in 20 Minutes) was well attended, and there were lots of questions as we demonstrated our new store and easy DIY siteBuilder. As well as the live demo, we also gave an introduction to domains and hosting, and talked about the importance of owning your own domain for building trust with customers, and the value of a website for SMEs. Here are the slides from that talk.

We’re planning to hold similar events elsewhere in Ireland in the coming months. Sign up for our free monthly newsletter if you’d like to be kept informed.

Don’t forget our IndieCork special offer on .FILM domain names remains open until the end of October. Owning a domain name puts you in control of your brand online, whether you have your own website, or simply redirect it to your Facebook page or YouTube. As you develop your online presence, you can change where your domain name points to at any time, while keeping your brand constant.

If you have more questions, we’re happy to advise and help. Just pick up the phone and talk to a real person in Carlow!

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