When: Tuesday-Wednesday 18th/19th December 2007 @ 23:45 hours
Firewall issues. We’ve been experiencing problems with the HA pair of firewalls that
look after the shared hosting network. Config changes are particularly problematic
and we’ve had to stop all changes.
Tonight we’re going to move shared windows and linux hosting off of the current
firewall onto another set of firewalls. This is completely temporary as we wish to
investigate the issues we’re having with the Fortigates without affecting service.
Who will be affected:
All shared hosting customers. We estimate 5-10 minutes per shared hosting
customergroup of down time.
So at approx 23:50 all shared hosting machines will dissappear from the network.
Once they have been all verified as “UP” from inside and outside we’ll switch to
the windows machines.
At approx 00:10 or shortly after we’ll started the shared windows hosting machines.
The above all requires moving the machines to seperate vlans also, this will take
the bulk of the time.
Starting from 23:45 tonight the shared hosting network will disappear and should
be back at the latest 00:50.
As usual, please contact us via e-mail to support@blacknight.com if there are any
issues once the proposed time period has passed.
We do apologise for the late notification on this work, but due to staffing constraints on the run up to Christmas this is the only evening we can perform this task.
Happy Christmas to all!