I’m delighted to be heading off to Webfest in Budva, Montenegro later this month.
Last year I was there as a speaker, while this time round I’ll be moderating two fantastic sessions:
“Unlock potential in women” Heidi Harman (GeekGirl)
“SEOmoz wonders” Ruth Burr (SEOmoz)
It should be good fun and I’m really looking forward to catching up with people I met last year.
Here’s the release we’re putting out on it:
Michele Neylon of Blacknight To Moderate Web Fest .ME 2012
September 7, 2012 – Carlow, Ireland – Outspoken domain industry leader and Blacknight co-founder Michele Neylon will moderate two panels at the Web Fest .ME 2012 conference.
Hosted by doMEn, (the company behind the .ME Internet extension), Web Fest .ME is a conference that celebrates Internet innovation and individuals who foster online growth. Now in it’s fourth year, Web Fest .ME will be held at the Hotel Splendid in Budva, Montenegro from September 20-21, 2012.
Web Fest .ME, which is the largest regional Internet conference brings together the world’s best-known experts from all areas of the Internet industry and includes an on-line competition for the best participating website/web project.
Michele Neylon of Ireland’s number one domain registrar and hosting company, Blacknight states: “It is an honor to be participating in Web Fest .ME. It is one of my favorite yearly events because it manages to be both a luxurious tech conference and a no “fluff” summit on Internet innovation. It is a pleasure to partner with .ME as they continue to set an example for the domain community by creating value beyond offering domain names. Their mission to enhance the overall Internet experience is invaluable.”
Neylon will moderate two sessions beginning with “Unlock Potential In Women” with Heidi Harman (GeekGirl) on September 20. The second session “SEOmoz Wonders” with Ruth Burr (SEOmoz) will take place on September 21.
Other Web Fest .ME panels include “Creating and Controlling Your Own Data”, “Value of the Domain” and “How to Start Up, Pivot and Exit.” Featured Web Fest .ME speakers include Speakers include Ryan Freitas, co-founder of About.me and Brian Wong, founder of KIIP.me
“The Mission of Web Fest is to increase the quality of life of ordinary people in the region, and to some extent on a global level,” explains doMEn CEO Predrag Lesic. “We aim to raise awareness about the Internet and its possibilities through education, competition, friendship and awards.”
Web Fest .ME is open to anyone interested in exploring the inexhaustible energy behind running a startup, learning more about the recent developments in online marketing and web-based businesses and using tech to take each and every aspect of their everyday lives to the next level.
To learn more about Web Fest .ME 2012, please visit http://www.webfest.me
For more information on Blacknight’s suite of domain services visit http://www.blacknight.com
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Webfest Here We Come Again! http://t.co/lk3kFZOu via @blacknight
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RT @blacknight: Webfest Here We Come Again! http://t.co/Pl7g0Gt4