Over the last few weeks we’ve been working hard on launching a bunch of domain extensions on our own accreditation.

While the main focus of our attention has been on getting the more popular domain extensions up and running (ie. com / net / org / info / biz / mobi etc.,) we’ve also ended up getting accredited for quite a few other cctlds in the process.

So far this year we’ve launched:

  • mobi
  • info
  • org
  • tel
  • cm (Cameroon)
  • me (Montenegro)
  • fm
  • im (Isle of Man)
  • be (Belgium)
  • gg (Guernsey)
  • je (Jersey)
  • co.nl (alternate to .nl, which is for Netherlands)

We’ve also got accredited in quite a few other cctlds, but we haven’t gone “live” with them as yet and we also have a few others in the “pipeline”.

Why are we doing this?

Simply put by running our own accreditation we can control the situation more and also pass on greater savings to our clients.

If there’s an issue with a domain where we are directly accredited it’s a lot easier for us to resolve it in a timely manner, whereas when we rely on someone else it can take time and cost more.

When I registered my first domain name about 10 years ago the average cost of a .com domain was about $35. Registering a .ie domain name wasn’t really an option unless you were a company.

Nowadays the market has matured considerably. The retail market, which we cater for primarily, treats domains as commodities, so price is an important deciding factor. Registering a .com domain is no longer the cost of dinner, but maybe the cost of a cup of coffee and a croissant. I’d love to think that people choose registrars based on factors other than price, but that would be to deny reality. People are always going to be attracted by lower prices – service and other factors don’t come into play for most of them.

With that in mind we’ve been doing our best to keep our prices as low as possible, while also retaining a reasonable margin.

In the coming weeks we hope to “go live” with .com and .net on our own accreditation, while we’re also working on integrating several cctlds that we aren’t currently offering.

So if there’s a domain extension that you think we should be offering please let us know. We won’t guarantee that we’ll offer it, as many of the domain extensions either lack in automation or have quite restrictive rules. However we will look at each and every suggestion.

Keep an eye out for more special offers on domain name registrations – we’re working hard to get as many deals as we can!


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