Several members of the Blacknight team were down in Limerick at Skycon from last Thursday until last night.
Skycon was organised in celebration of the 15 year anniversary of Skynet, the University of Limerick computer society.
Over the past couple of years I have been to quite a number of events throughout Ireland which were organised, for the most part, by companies and professional organisations. Many of them seemed amateurish compared to Skycon, which was organised, of course, by students.
As some of you may know, I am a graduate of UL and we also employ a number of other UL graduates, so it’s always nice to go back down there.
This time was a bit different, as both myself and Paul were giving talks.
We also provided prizes for the table quiz on Saturday night!
My talk on email filtering was on Friday afternoon, while Paul gave a talk on open source software chez Blacknight on the Saturday.
Other speakers on the agenda included Alan Cox (RedHat), Simon Phipps (Sun) and TJ McIntyre . Full list of speakers is on the Skycon site
A big thanks to all the organisers for making the event such a big sucess and for looking after us all.
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Any podcasts or video from the event Michele?
I think there are some audio files floating around somewhere. I’ll have to check đŸ™‚