We’ve been proactive about spam for a long time.
While all our hosting accounts have some kind of email filtering available with them sometimes it’s simply not enough, so we also offer a premium service – AntiSpam.ie
The web based control panel allows you to tweak a lot of settings and gives you a silly amount of control over how you handle your emails.
Providing screenshots was one way that we could have shown off the system, but I’ve always found screenshots to lack a bit of “punch”.
Another option was to setup a “demo” account – but you’d need to have actual data for that to be of any use…
So the best solution I could come up with was a short screencast showing you some of the features of the system.
Please excuse the audio level – you may need to turn up the volume:
You’ll find other screencasts over on our video site
looks good. Will you be package pricing it? Or will it be on request.
I thought I’d replied to you – sorry!
We have pricing for both retail and resellers
If you ping sales@blacknight.com they can give you the rates