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Nominations are open for the 2021 .ORG Impact Awards

May 25th, 2021|


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Nominations are open for the 2021 .ORG Impact Awards

It’s that time of the year again; submissions are now open for the 2021 .ORG Impact Awards. These awards, in their third year, seek to reward highly outstanding organisations and individuals who are making use of a .ORG domain. For the .ORG Community, the .ORG Impact Awards is the only awards program that celebrates and promotes the social impact of .ORGs around the world.

There’s cash on the line with the awards. The winner in each category wins a donation of $10,000 to the charity of their choice. The overall winner – the .ORG of the Year – will get a $35,000 donation. Winners also get a swank physical award to display. It is a global contest, so it does not matter what country you’re in.*

Here’s a breakdown of the categories this year:

  • Health and Healing in a Period of Pandemic – This award recognises an organisation or individual who helped address the health and wellness impacts associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic, including vaccine development, equitable distribution of medical resources, community outreach, mental health, and ensuring that other related and pressing health issues were not overlooked
  • Fighting Hunger and Poverty – This award recognises an organisation or individual who has made significant contributions and innovations in the fight to end hunger and poverty on a local, national, or global scale.
  • Championing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – This award recognises an organisation or individual for efforts toward furthering diversity, equity, and inclusion in society through the creation of policies, programs, and initiatives that address systemic challenges and historic injustices.
  • Providing Quality Education for All – This award recognises an organisation or individual for contributions in providing education and learning opportunities and solutions for everyone, without regard to race, gender, or financial status.
  • Overcoming Climate Change – This award recognises an organisation or individual that works to overcome, reverse, and/or slow down the negative and debilitating effects of climate change on communities around the world.
  • Building Better Communities – This award recognises an organisation or individual whose efforts have contributed to changing or enhancing the lives of those in the communities they serve, whether on a local, national, or global level.
  • Rising Star – This award recognises a person under 25 years of age who has demonstrated initiative and leadership around a specific task, project, or campaign for a .ORG.
  • .ORG of the Year – This award recognises a not-for-profit or nongovernmental organisation using the .ORG domain that was nominated in one of the other 7 categories. It honours outstanding achievement as evidenced by results and/or contributions to its sector, constituents, community, or society at large.

There are no submission fees to nominate a .ORG organisation. The key rule to know is that the organisation must use a .ORG domain for their website. You may nominate your own organisation.

Nominations are open until 30 July 2021 Update July 2021: the deadline has been extended until Tuesday, August 3rd. Judging begins after 3 August 2021 and ends 24 August 2021. The finalists will be announced on 14 September 2021, and the final winners and online celebration will be held virtually on 9 November 2021.

You can find out all the rules and entry details here.

Know of a charity, person, or organisation doing great work in the public charity sphere? Nominate them today, so they have a chance to further the cause with these generous cash awards.

*Except individuals or entities who reside in Cuba, Burma/Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria who may not enter.

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About the Author: Jonathan Thomas
Jonathan Thomas works for Blacknight doing International Marketing and Communications and is also the publisher of the world's largest website for Anglophiles, a website dedicated to all things London, and - a website dedicated to all things Ireland.
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