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Nominations for the 2023 .ORG Impact Awards Are Now Open!

May 18th, 2023|


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Nominations for the 2023 .ORG Impact Awards Are Now Open!

Are you part of a mission-driven organisation, or know of one that is making a real impact in your community? If so, then you won’t want to miss out on the 2023 .ORG Impact Awards, which has just opened up to nominations for its yearly awards. This prestigious award is hosted by Public Interest Registry, the registry behind .ORG, and celebrates the individuals and organisations that are dedicated to positive change. It’s a great opportunity for great organisations doing great work to get some extra funds.

For over 30 years, the .ORG domain name has been a powerful tool for mission-driven organisations around the world. And for the past five years, the .ORG Impact Awards have been recognizing the incredible work being done by these organisations. Now, with an even greater need for change in our communities, the 2023 .ORG Impact Awards are set to be bigger and better than ever before.

This year’s awards will feature increased donations, a return to an in-person event, and more opportunities to showcase the .ORGs that are making a real difference every day. Last year they donated $105,000 to winners in 7 categories. In total, they had 947 entries from 68 countries (it’s a small entry pool, so the chances of winning are much higher!).

Nominations are now open across seven categories, including:

  • Health and Healing
  • Hunger and Poverty
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Quality Education for All
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Community Building
  • Rising Star

To nominate an amazing organisation, head over to to submit your nomination. Nominations will be accepted until the end of June. It is a worldwide contest, open to anyone with a .ORG domain name. After that, a selection process that includes PIR staff and industry experts will identify finalists and winners in each category. Selected .ORGs and individuals will be promoted across PIR social channels and receive charitable donations. The winners will be announced and honoured on November 16 at the 2023 .ORG Impact Awards Celebration in Washington, D.C.

Good luck to everyone!

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About the Author: Jonathan Thomas
Jonathan Thomas works for Blacknight doing International Marketing and Communications and is also the publisher of the world's largest website for Anglophiles, a website dedicated to all things London, and - a website dedicated to all things Ireland.
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