If you’ve ever had a Facebook page one of the things that has no doubt really annoyed you big time is the fact that you never get notifications when someone likes something / comments on something or even just asks you a question on there. Unless you’re constantly monitoring the page, which I know I generally don’t do, it ends up with people getting annoyed and thinking that you’re ignoring them and not providing a good service. Roll on “Use Facebook as Page”
You are now using Facebook as Blacknight (If you’re an admin of our page, obviously!)
You can get notifications about activity on your page, see stories from the pages you like in your news feed, and interact with other pages as your page.
You basically become the page. Thank you Facebook.
What is this going to mean for your average end user of the page?
It’s going to mean we’re thankfully aware that something has happened on the page. A 2 month old comment has been liked or commented on. That old Halloween post gets a question as to where we got the Pumpkins from and we can happily tell them MadeinHollywood.ie.
It’s not ending there however. You’re going to be able to visit other pages and comment as your page. (This will hopefully lead to people coming back to your page … liking your page if they get your welcome tab (untested if all the old functionality will still work)) And hey presto you’re able to interact as your business with other businesses / your friends, customers and potential leads.
So there are some pretty cool features. You can always revert back to being a user again by going to your Account settings or if you manage multiple pages you can log in as those pages.
You also seem to be able to easily change the classification / category that your page appears in which may be quite cool though I’m unsure as yet of the benefits of being one or the other or if it ultimately currently matters at all.
Finally Facebook seem to be making a few more things a bit more in your face with linking of your facebook and twitter accounts (though we’ve already done this so no idea if the process will now be any different)
I’m looking forward to what seems to be the biggest change to Facebook in a long time. Is 2011 the year of the Facebook Page? We’re looking forward to finding out.
I totally agree. It’s a great idea. Makes the FB page a lot more useful and more interactive for users.
For us I think one of the key issues is that people won’t be annoyed if we haven’t responded on Facebook. If you don’t have a Facebook page you probably don’t realise that you don’t get notifications about new posts / comments / likes and so on.
We’ve had to mention it multiple times on the page and you’ll never be able to inform/educate all your followers unfortunately.