Take your Medicine

We’re usually pretty quick to offer advice about upgrading your WordPress installs.

If you’re running an App Vault install only upgrade from within Blacknight Control Panel -> Application Vault (tab) -> WordPress when an update becomes available.

If you’re running a self install of WordPress then you’ll want to do one or two things first.

  • We’d recommend that you backup all your files first
  • We’d recommend that you take a backup of your database as well
  • We’d recommend that you check plugin compatability

Once you’ve done these things please note there’s a pretty big change gone into WordPress 3.9 and that is that it is now using TinyMCE 4 instead of 3.x which it was previously running.

What does this mean? It generally means a lot more shiny editing of your content.


Please be aware that there are a number of plugins that aren’t compatible with TinyMCE 4 just yet.

One of these plugins is widely used by a number of commercial themes and it is Visual Composer Page Builder.

Big thanks to Jim Daly from Glic IT for pointing this out.

Interested in getting notified via email when there are upgrades of the WordPress core and plugins? Check out my previous post on WP Updates Notifier

We strongly recommend that users upgrade their WordPress sites. WordPress is in a state of continual development, patches are released quite regularly that fix issues ranging from small text tweaks to security holes that have been discovered. If you are running an older version of WordPress chances are that there could be a security issue with it that could be exploited and your site could be hacked. WordPress installs that have been compromised may be disabled to avoid hosting phishing sites or sending spam.

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