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EU Cookie Law Presentation Slides

December 3rd, 2012|


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EU Cookie Law Presentation Slides

cookies 101

I gave a presentation earlier today at the Irish Computer Society on the EU Cookie Law – or Statutory Instrument Number 336 of 2011 European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services)(Privacy and Electronic Communications) Regulations 2011 if you want its real title.

I’m not a lawyer, so I was looking at the more practical implications of the law ie. how do you deal with it. The slides (below) contain links to a number of references I found useful, but they’re far from exhaustive. Hopefully someone will find them useful

Here’s the slide deck I used:


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About the Author: Michele Neylon
Known for his outspoken opinions on technology and the Internet, Michele Neylon is the award winning author of several blogs and co-host of the podcast. A thought leader in the Internet community, Neylon is active within ICANN and an expert on policy, security, domains, ICANN, Nominet and Internet Governance. You can stalk him on various social media networks including Twitter and Instagram
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