Hosting & Domains News

Yesterday’s Network & DNS Outage


Normally we don’t write about service issues on this site.

We have a specific site we reserve solely for that. Yesterday, however, we had a major network and DNS outage that impacted a very large number of our customers.

Our teams worked as quickly as they could to both respond to queries from our customers as well as to get things back up and running quickly. We tried our best to keep everyone, both internal and external, up to date on what was going on via both internal communication tools, Twitter, Facebook and our status site.

Over the course of the network outage our staff fielded over 1000 phone calls, 30 live chats, hundreds of tweets and around 100 support tickets.

Below is a full report prepared by our technical team.

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As you can see in the report our technical team believed that the issue was a very large denial of service attack, but once everything was back online their investigations showed that the root cause was something else.

We take this kind of issue very seriously and our technical teams are already working on putting measures in place to avoid future issues.



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