xxx domain names

Tomorrow afternoon the .xxx domain will finally “go live”.

If you applied for a .xxx domain name during sunrise or landrush then your domain names should go live tomorrow as well. The two exceptions to this being a “blocking” registration or where you’ve ended up in an auction against someone else.

People have been asking a LOT of questions about .xxx so here are some of the common questions and answers.

Q: During Open Registration will applicants outside of the Sponsored Community be able to block their non-trademarked names, or will a trademark be required?
A: During General Availability, Non-member Registrants will be able to register any name they like. This is done on a first come, first served. The name will not resolve if they do not authenticate on the ICM Registry web portal. This effectively blocks the domain from use by any member of the Sponsored Community, as long as the registrant continues to renew the domain name.

Q: Are  “Non-Members” able to register domain names for General Availability?
A: Yes, they will simply not authenticate their membership to the Sponsored Community and their domain names will not resolve.

Q: What will the WHOIS record be for blocked domains?
A: ICM Registry on Sunrise, the actual Registrant will be on WHOIS for GA.

Q: Will MX records (for email) work on domains that did not validate their membership to the Sponsored Community?
A: No. The registrant is DNS is disabled at the registry level until the domain is associated with a valid member of the Sponsored Community.

Q: What are the minimum and Max (if there is a max) number of characters allowed?
A: The minimum number of characters allowed is 3 and the max is 63.

Q: How long can I register a .xxx domain name for?

A: For 1 to 10 years (maximum)

Q: Will IDN .xxx domain names be available?

A: Not at this stage.


If you have any other questions about .xxx domains please let us know via the comments. Thanks!


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