We’re the only Irish company offering the new .xxx domain name extension, as we’re the only Irish company that has ever been accredited by ICANN as a domain name registrar.
So how on earth does an Irish company promote .xxx domain names?
I guess the answer is – very carefully.
So here are a few of the images that we’ve come up with and that we will be using to promote .xxx domain names
With .xxx launching in December a Christmas inspired image was inevitable and the “naughty or nice” concept lends itself to .xxx pretty well.
How about this one?
It’s a little “tongue in cheek”, but I doubt anyone could find it offensive.
And the last one, of the current batch, is this one:
Based on our previous experiences with imagery of scantily clad people (male and female) this might work for a lot of women, though we could be wrong.
UPDATE. Based on feedback we thought we’d throw in one with a slightly different theme:

sticks and stones - xxx domain names
UPDATE 2 – here are a couple of more

It might be the niche for you

All Undressed and Nowhere to Go?
Update 3: And probably what will be the last set for a while

Expose Yourself to the world of XXX

Expose Yourself to the world of XXX 2
So what do you think?
Are these images striking the right sort of balance?
Are they too risque?
Too tame?
What could we do better?
Edit: Updated with some typos removed 🙂
Comments are closed.
The middle one with the flasher is waaaaay to “risque” . Flashing is illegal and many flashers expose themselves to children and elderly people. Get rid of it.
Jayus therealdeal I think you are reading way way too much into it. If you wanted to go down that line you could say that some people use websites for child porn and Blacknight should just shut shop in case them being in business encourages that further. We need to have a pinch of common sense with these things.
I don’t like the flasher image because it looks a bit poorer quality than the other images but this is just a design thing not some moral outrage.
Good job James.
Thank you for your feedback. Do you remember these posters and postcards that used to available in most newsagents? http://michele.lv/expose-yourself-to-ireland
Seems apt! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh2sWSVRrmo
@Niall – nice choice of video 🙂
I like the imagery, I think I prefer the background on the top one. Also in the first one the text should possible be “Let’s be adult about it, the choice is yours … ” I think it’s missing a comma.
XXX is not just for porn, I’m guessing literature & toys also would come under the domain. Maybe you could use some imagery targeted at those areas.
We’ve updated that : ) It makes a lot more sense WITH the comma
I like the idea about “beyond porn”, as it’s exactly what I’ve been saying and thinking
Thanks for your comments
Which one is Michele?
Its all a bit risky but I suppose thats the point in the xxx domains in the first place!
Really good designs.
Personally I don’t think they are too offensive or risque at all. I believe SpecSavers are running a TV ad that shows a guy walk into a steamy kitchen naked thinking it’s a sauna. That ad also features prominent placement of items to depict male genitalia. The “sticks and stones” tagline was also a lyric in a pop song there not so long ago, so I’d hardly say any of it is unacceptable.
They get the message across clearly and tastefully. Good job
A full pager in the Irish Catholic is €5,400 Rate Card – http://www.irishcatholic.ie/site/content/advertise-irish-catholic
I double dare you to do a ‘Michael O’Leary’ on it with one of the new ads 😉
That’s the list rate 🙂
I don’t think they’re really our target demographic 🙂
Like the second lot much more, the crisper background raises the class level above mere online gambling and sleaze. The quality of the copy increases too, the just feel tighter and more grown up.
Agree on the ‘beyond porn’ aspect. It’s business after all.
Thanks for the feedback. James and I were throwing ideas around and striking the right balance is far from easy and a lot will depend on the audience.
Yup, looks very careful to me.
Too tame! They look good 🙂
Well we could make them more risque, but we preferred to take the slightly different route 🙂
Thanks for your comment
The ads are really apt – not too risque at all. In fact, it’s pretty clever marketing.
Haha the sheep one is just funny and expose makes sense in few ways, I like it. Although some of the other ads offer better eye candy 🙂
Thanks Tom 🙂
I like to think that the expose yourself one appeals to all sexes and maybe brings a bit of fun to a subject that will no doubt offend some people. It’s quite a tricky to market this without offending people or coming off being sexist I’m finding so we’ve spent a bit of time thinking about it all.
Guys, are they able to be used for non-porno sites? Could be used in a good little marketing campaign. i.e. http://www.FerreroRocher.xxx – “naughty but nice” or “Not what you think” etc etc
Hi Tim,
From the ICM Registry website
Who can register a .XXX domain?
Individuals, business, entities, and organizations that provide online, sexually-oriented adult entertainment (“Online Adult Entertainment”) intended for consenting adults or for other community members (“Providers”); Represent Providers (“Representatives”); or Provide products or services to Providers and Representatives (“Service Providers”) are eligible to register .XXX domain names.
I guess you could take it that the adverts on an XXX domain are going to be sexually-oriented so you would be able to get away with it. You can always fire sales@blacknight.com a mail if you’re still unsure as they’ll have a better handle on things than I have.
I dont think i’d like to have my site hosted with a company that hosts adult content.
I think you are making a huge mistake promoting this.
What exactly is “adult content” in your mind?
Why do you have an issue with it?
My understanding is that to get a .xxx to resolve you have to prove to ICM that you are part of the “adult community” – whatever that means. Therefore, you could not use one for a non adult purpose. By adult I think they clearly mean pornography.
Gordon – not all “adult” content is “porn”
They’re all great.. especially the 4th one ;D