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Want to play with Ruby on Rails?

June 23rd, 2006|


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Want to play with Ruby on Rails?

Here at Blacknight we are passionate about the internet and technology and we love being able to share that passion with you, our clients and partners.
Over the last year there has been a lot of “buzz” surrounding a new scripting language – Ruby On Rails.
RoR describes itself as being aimed at providing “programmer happiness” so we’d like to know what you think.
We are currently beta testing Ruby On Rails on our linux hosting platform, so if you would like to give it a go please contact our sales team. We’ll be giving away (yes – for free!) a number of hosting accounts and domain names to let people get “down and dirty” with this new language.
Just to clarify what we are giving away:

  • Hosting – SoHo linux
  • Domains – Choice of .com or .eu or

We’ve had a tremendous response to the offer and have given away a number of .eu and .com domains throughout the day.

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About the Author: Michele Neylon
Known for his outspoken opinions on technology and the Internet, Michele Neylon is the award winning author of several blogs and co-host of the podcast. A thought leader in the Internet community, Neylon is active within ICANN and an expert on policy, security, domains, ICANN, Nominet and Internet Governance. You can stalk him on various social media networks including Twitter and Instagram
  1. damien fahy June 30, 2006 at 20:07

    Hi still waiting to try out Ruby đŸ™‚ RE:

  2. Michele Neylon June 30, 2006 at 20:14

    Please email me.

  3. WaltDe September 1, 2006 at 05:11

    Keep up the great work on your blog. Best wishes WaltDe

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