Search for your perfect domain name...

The name of the game is…

December 20th, 2012|


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The name of the game is…

Privacy is the name of the game

…and the winner our our mini competition for Day two is …

Maurizio from Milano, Italy 🙂

He has been informed via email and the mini pack of goodies should be winging its way to him shortly.

The question that we asked was

“What service allows you to protect your identity as the owner of a domain ?”

The correct answer of course being our WHOIS Privacy you can find more details on our site at

Why is domain privacy important? Well depending on the domain extension you choose for your website details such as your email addresse, phone number and physical addresse can show up when you search for details on that domain. ( Whois looks up details associated with a domain and returns them ).

In a lot of cases this isn’t such a big issue (If for example the address is a company, well that’s generally public knowledge). Where it can be an issue is where you want to maintain an extra level of privacy and not have your personal phone number or home address given out.

So do you need to add Whois Privacy to one of your domains?

Simply …

  • Log into you account
  • Go to Billing on the top tabs
  • Click on Domain Management on the left
  • Select the .com or .net domain you’d like to make private
  • Click the Resources tab and click upgrade beside Whois Privacy

Want it on a new domain? Register your domain of choice and you’ll have the option to add it on.

Stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for more chances to win this week.

(Original Stock Image privacy highlighted in green)


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About the Author: James Larkin
I'm a web and graphic designer by day and by night I'm a dad. I've a blog at Nantes.Today. My work site is over at I love cooking, photography and have a small obsession with Lego.
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1 min readCategories: CompetitionsLast Updated: December 20th, 2012

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