Hosting & Domains News

Sales Are Boring

new year sale

Sales are boring.

They’re predictable.

Every year we run a sale of some kind in January.

Sure, it’s nice to get a sales boost in the New Year and we know people love getting stuff at lower prices, but it’s become a little predictable and staid at this stage.

So what are we going to do this year?

Well this time round we’re going to “jazz it up” a bit.

Instead of just giving a lower price on a product or service for the next 30 days, we’re going to “mix it up” a bit.

What does that mean?

Well in essence it means we’re going to offer discounts on different things at different times.

So, for example, we could decide to give away our entry level hosting plan for a 24 hour period at a knockdown price, or we might offer IE domain names for a fraction of our normal retail price.

How will this work?

It’s kind of an experiment, so how exactly it will pan out is a bit “up in the air”.

We’ll be pushing out offer codes through a variety of media, so if you want to get your hands on a discount then you’ll need to keep an eye on us on Twitter and Facebook. We might shove a few discounts on this site or my personal blog, or maybe we’ll give a few codes to bloggers.

Who knows?

Of course this might prove to be a total disaster, but I’m always willing to try something new just to see what happens.

What do you think?

Are we crazy?

Would you prefer a “traditional” sale?

Let us know what you think – all feedback is welcome!

We’ll be kicking it all off either tomorrow or Monday, but in the meantime if you’re looking for a discount feel free to use the coupon code: movehost

The small print:

Any discounts and offers will be valid for the initial subscription period. They will rebill at the full price rate on their anniversary

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