Dot XXX Enters the Sunrise Period

Yesterday saw the launch of the Dot XXX Sunrise period for domain registrations.
The sunrise period consists of two sides; A and B.

In the Sunrise A grouping Those companies with a trademark or an existing general Top Level Domain ( .com / .net and so on ) will be able to apply for theirdomain / trademark.XXX.
Under Sunrise B organizations who are not members of the adult community with registered trademarks who wish to block names for use in .XXX can do so.

Like it or hate it, it has to be said that .XXX simplifies things. One look at the domain extension and you can clearly tell that it’s going to be adult material. ICMRegistry, the company behind XXX,  have already opted to block a large number of celebrity names from registrations as well as reserving premium names which they’ll be auctioning at a later time ( presumably on ). On top of the fact that .XXX simplifies things for many McAfee will be scanning .XXX websites daily for malware. They have also partnered with Metacert (see: ) to provide content labeling for .XXX domains making it easy for Net Nanny type software to determine who can access the sites.

The “Sunrise” period runs from the 7th September until the 28th October.

After which there will be a quiet period and the “Land Rush” period will open on the 8th November and lasts 17 days until the 25th. At the end of this time applications for competing names will go to auction ie. where more than one applicant is vying for the registration of a domain name.

General Availability will kick in on the 6th December and it’ll be on a first come first served basis.

Does it affect you?

If you’re in the adult industry or want to ensure a trademark or protect the domain then – yes.

You can find out more about .XXX domain names on our site here ( ), or read our press release below:

Blacknight Announce .XXX Domains are Officially Available for Registration
The floodgates have opened: Blacknight announce .XXX Sunrise.

Irish Registrar Blacknight is among only a hand-full of registrars to carry  .XXX, the long-awaited Internet extension for the Adult Community. From September 7, 2011 through October 28, 2011 registrants with trademark rights in the Adult Community or those looking to protect their brands in the new TLD may apply to register domains before .XXX is opened to the general public.

Michele Neylon of Blacknight states: “Blacknight’s involvement with .XXX is a no-brainer. Customer interest in .XXX is high and we are proud to be one of the few registrars to offer these domains. It is an exciting time to be in the registrar business.”

During this time, which is referred to as a “Sunrise”, applications for registrations are limited to both those with trademark rights in the Adult Community and non-adult brand protection. These interests are split into Sunrise A and Sunrise B.

Sunrise A is for applicants within the Adult (sponsored) Community.

Sunrise B is for applicants outside the Adult Community who hold qualifying registered trademarks who “seek to reserve names in order to ensure that those names are not registered as domain names by others in .XXX.”  

Applicants in Sunrise A have priority over those in B, however successful applications in Sunrise B are permanent. There will be no refunds of domains registered during this period.

Blacknight are offering .XXX domains for €199.95. Landrush (the registration period for non-trademark holding members of the Adult Community) opens November 8, 2011 and General Availability begins on December 6, 2011.

For more information or to apply to register  .XXX domains visit

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