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IP4 Final Allocations Ceremony

February 4th, 2011|


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IP4 Final Allocations Ceremony

The final blocks of IPv4 addresses were allocated to the regional registries by ICANN yesterday.

Here are two videos of the historic event – the IPv4 era is over – long live IPv6!

And the press conference afterwards:

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About the Author: Michele Neylon
Known for his outspoken opinions on technology and the Internet, Michele Neylon is the award winning author of several blogs and co-host of the podcast. A thought leader in the Internet community, Neylon is active within ICANN and an expert on policy, security, domains, ICANN, Nominet and Internet Governance. You can stalk him on various social media networks including Twitter and Instagram
  1. Donal February 5, 2011 at 19:07

    What is the status of IPv6 hosting at Blacknight? The last post mentioning Blacknight progress indicated that you were running into issues with dns and your shared hosting backend.

  2. Michele Neylon February 5, 2011 at 19:35

    At present we do not offer IPv6 on our shared / VPS hosting.
    The control panel software currently does not support the creation of AAAA records or their management, nor does it support their integration into anything else.
    We have a full IPv6 network, so dedicated and colo clients can be given an IPv6 allocation to use. Several of our internal sites and those of our staff members are running on dual stack without any issues.
    Our own offices in both Carlow and Dublin are running IPv6 as well.
    Hopefully the software vendor will have implemented IPv6 before the end of this year and we will be able to offer it to everyone
    Thanks for your comment

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0 min readCategories: ICANN, IPv6Tags: , , , Last Updated: February 4th, 2011

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