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IE Domain Registration to be Simplified

December 6th, 2017|


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IE Domain Registration to be Simplified

The short version:

Before the end of March 2018 the .ie domain name registry rules are going to be simplified. A LOT.

All you’ll need to do is show your “connection” with Ireland in order to get a .ie domain name. What that means is that if you’re an Irish resident or business you’ll just need to show some proof of that, like your CRO number or a utility bill, as you do currently. If you’re not based in Ireland then you’ll need to be able to prove that you have genuine business dealings or links to Ireland.

You won’t need to have a “claim” of any kind. So it’ll work like .com, .eu and most other domain name extensions. First come, first served. Simple.

We’ve always felt that the rules and regulations around .ie domain names were too complicated.

Businesses and individuals should be able to get a domain name quickly and easily. If you make it hard for them to get a domain name and demand that they jump through hoops you aren’t prestigious, you’re just wasting their time and blocking their ability to create an effective online identity.

We’ve written about the upcoming changes to the IE domain name policies several times in the past. We have always felt that making it easier to register IE domain names was the right thing to do.  While there might be some concerns around these changes the benefits far outweigh any risks.

We look forward to being able to offer our clients .ie domain names more quickly and with fewer headaches.

If you currently have not registered an IE domain name for whatever reason you will be able to do so now or after the rules are loosened up. Bear in mind that once the rules are loosened up you’ll no longer have a “special” right or entitlement to register a specific domain name.

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About the Author: Michele Neylon
Known for his outspoken opinions on technology and the Internet, Michele Neylon is the award winning author of several blogs and co-host of the podcast. A thought leader in the Internet community, Neylon is active within ICANN and an expert on policy, security, domains, ICANN, Nominet and Internet Governance. You can stalk him on various social media networks including Twitter and Instagram

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2 min readCategories: Domains, IEDRTags: , , , Last Updated: December 6th, 2017

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