Hosting & Domains News

Free .BLOG Domains and Hosting for TBEX Delegates


Yesterday we announced that we will be promoting the .BLOG domain at TBEX Europe next week in Killarney. Of course we support hundreds of Top-Level Domains (TLDs), and they all go great with our hosting and other products. There’s more choice than ever before, and that’s a good thing.

For bloggers, we think .BLOG offers a particularly unique opportunity. It instantly identifies the kind of site involved: if you run a blog, the word blog is actually part of your brand.

While many new TLDs apply to specific verticals, like cars or shoes, .BLOG is a domain which transcends many verticals – blogging is common to them all. And more than anything else, a blog is a personal brand: intimately associated with its authors.

We think .BLOG is a perfect fit for travel bloggers, and we’re looking forward to talking to as many of you as possible at TBEX next week. To make it more interesting, we’ve decided to offer a limited number of domain name and hosting packages absolutely free of charge, for one year, to registered attendees at TBEX Europe 2017.

Interested? Just sign up for a speed-date with Blacknight on the TBEX Bloggerbridge, or call to our exhibition stand anytime on Wednesday or Thursday.

We get bloggers. We are bloggers. We want to help you grow your blogs and build your audiences. We’ve got the tools to help you, with domains, hosting, SEO, backup, SSL Certs, email and more. And we want to hear your stories, share your experiences and find out what we can do to help you more.

Did you know that you can move your blog to a new domain name, and still keep all the Google rank and traffic you had at your old address?

Irish explorer Mike O’Shea will give the closing keynote address at TBEX Europe 2017

We’re excited to be at TBEX Europe, in what is arguably the tourism capital of Ireland. If you’re visiting Ireland, we look forward to showing you around. If you’re a local, so much the better: either you’re an old friend, or it’s high time we met!

The Blacknight team for TBEX comprises Alan O’Reilly (Blacknight’s Customer Experience Manager), and from our marketing team, Chloe Murray and me, Conn Ó Muíneacháin. (Má tá Gaeilge agat, bí i dteagmháil liomsa agus fáilte!)

See you in Killarney!

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