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EURid Categorises Their Domain Portfolio and Finds Some Interesting Data

August 7th, 2020|


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EURid Categorises Their Domain Portfolio and Finds Some Interesting Data

The folks over at EURid decided they wanted to know just how the .EU domain was being used by those that register it. So, they employed a crawler and some machine learning to crawl through a portfolio of 200,000 domains and figure out just how they’re being used.

They discovered some interesting information – such as:

  • 81.67% were found to be connected to a web server
  • 88% of the active domain names had an MX record meaning they could be used for email
  • 35,890 were manually classified (one suspects a large spreadsheet was involved here)

You can see how the categories for the manual classification breaks down in the helpful infographic provided by EURid below:

EURid is going to take what they’ve learned from this data and apply it to a broader categorization later this year. We look forward to seeing the data on that!

Blacknight is one of Europe’s largest .EU domain registrars and we can help you navigate the process to get your own .EU domain. The .EU domain is perfect if your primary customer base is within the European Union – it says you’re local and you’re trustworthy.

Register your own .EU domain here.

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About the Author: Jonathan Thomas
Jonathan Thomas works for Blacknight doing International Marketing and Communications and is also the publisher of the world's largest website for Anglophiles and a website dedicated to all things London.
1 min readCategories: Domains, EURidTags: , , Last Updated: August 6th, 2020

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