We are now entering the final countdown for Brexit. While the economic and political impacts of Brexit are seismic, they’re also going to impact our little world too.


EU domain names.

We’ve written about this several times over the last couple of years.

Bottom line if you have a .eu domain name AND your address, or that of the organisation to whom the domain is registered is set to GB or GI then you will lose the domain(s) on January 1st 2021.

Also, so that’s abundantly clear, from January 1st 2021 you will not be able to register, transfer or update a .eu domain name if your address is in GB or GI.

There are a couple of ways you can avoid this outcome:

  • Update the address to one in the EU
  • If you’re an EU citizen and the domain is registered to you as an individual you can ask your registrar to add your citizenship to your registration

Thanks to the Good Friday Agreement private individuals in Northern Ireland can be considered Irish and thus avoid losing their .eu domain name(s).

EURid, the .eu domain name registry, will have already sent you email notices about the upcoming changes if you’re impacted.

From January 1st 2021 affected .eu domain names will stop working. Any services you have linked to them will also stop working.

If your .eu domain names are registered via ourselves and you need assistance please let us know.

You can read the official notice from EURid here.

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