We’re the only Irish company offering the new .xxx domain name extension, as we’re the only Irish company that has ever been accredited by ICANN as a domain name registrar.
So how on earth does an Irish company promote .xxx domain names?
I guess the answer is – very carefully.
So here are a few of the images that we’ve come up with and that we will be using to promote .xxx domain names
With .xxx launching in December a Christmas inspired image was inevitable and the “naughty or nice” concept lends itself to .xxx pretty well.
How about this one?
It’s a little “tongue in cheek”, but I doubt anyone could find it offensive.
And the last one, of the current batch, is this one:
Based on our previous experiences with imagery of scantily clad people (male and female) this might work for a lot of women, though we could be wrong.
UPDATE. Based on feedback we thought we’d throw in one with a slightly different theme:
sticks and stones - xxx domain names
UPDATE 2 – here are a couple of more
It might be the niche for you
All Undressed and Nowhere to Go?
Update 3: And probably what will be the last set for a while
Expose Yourself to the world of XXX
Expose Yourself to the world of XXX 2
So what do you think?
Are these images striking the right sort of balance?
Are they too risque?
Too tame?
What could we do better?
Edit: Updated with some typos removed 🙂