There are several reasons why this blog exists and one of them is to get feedback from clients.

It may come as a surprise to people, but we actually do pay attention to what they say to us and about us.

I’d love to think that we do a good job all of the time, but there may be aspects of our service that fails to meet your expectations and if that’s the case I’d like to know about it. (If you don’t want to comment in public you can always email me directly: ). It might be something as simple as the way we worded our product or service offering … If people don’t let us know we have no way of knowing!

We are currently working on rolling out a new suite of websites and we will be unveiling a whole range of new products and services over the coming months. I’ll be teasing you all with little details as we finalise the details, but now is also the ideal time for us to take your feedback. If you want us to offer something that is feasible then we might just do that. Of course we might think your idea is crazy … but if you don’t talk to us we will never know.

What kind of services would you like to see hosting providers like us providing in the future?

What elements of our current hosting plans would you like us to change? (I’m not saying we will change them, but I am more than willing to listen)

Which technologies would you like to see us offering in the future?

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