“Film is a collaborative medium” says writer/director Sean Breathnach. So where does that leave film-makers in a pandemic lockdown? That’s when creativity is called for!

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Sean Breathnach made his feature film debut at IndieCork Film Festival in 2016 with the award-winning horror Beyond the Woods, which he wrote and directed. Locked down in 2020, he found himself with plenty of time to write but he wondered how film production could continue under lockdown conditions. He wrote a short script and sent it to actors Irene Kelleher, Denis O’Sullivan and Ruth Hayes. ‘Forever’ is a short horror film written by Sean and shot by the actors in their own homes under lockdown conditions. The result is a piece of portrait-mode cinema that’s just under 5 minutes long – and thoroughly engaging!


Coincidentally, the organisers of IndieCork were thinking along similar lines. In a cheeky nod to the Dogme 95 movement, they’ve just announced a call for submissions of short films adhering to a set of precepts they are calling The Vow of Quarantine. Films must be no longer than three minutes in duration and produced in full compliance with whatever quarantine rules are in effect where the film-makers live. The closing date for entries is 21 June.

Blacknight is a sponsor of IndieCork. The organisers tell us that a full programme is being planned for October and that it will be organised to comply with whatever social distancing rules are in effect at the time.

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