Episode 2 of The Lock In is here. Our guest today is Blacknight’s Customer Experience Manager – and the man behind Carlow Weather – Alan O’Reilly.

Click on the player below to play the audio (you can download it here: 19:52; 11MB; MP3), or scroll down for the video.


Obviously we talked about the weather, but also the looming crisis in haircare. Apparently we’re only a couple of weeks away from finding out what everyone’s real hair colour is.

Did you know that Coronavirus is affecting the accuracy of long range weather forecasts? That’s because planes collect weather data, and the pandemic has resulted in an 80% drop in the data collected in this way.

For Irish people hoping to catch up on some gardening or outdoor activity this weekend, Alan says it should be dry until Sunday afternoon in the West of Ireland, possibly later in the East.

Join us on Monday for another episode of The Lock-In.

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