Every week I go through 10 .. 20 .. 100 links that I’d love to keep track of … a long time ago I stopped using bookmarks because … I’ve just got too many of them. I’ve used various tools like http://www.delicious.com/ and http://www.stumbleupon.com/ but you know what? … I keep on leaving tabs open and meaning to come back to things. It … “happens” sometimes …
So lets start you this weeke with some of our favourite websites and links from the last week or two.
First up … one of the most impressive I’ve come across … an Image tool to create a random image for your image dependant on size and category WOW I hear me say I’ve no idea about you. Check out http://lorempixum.com/
If you’re a web designer and you’re into background graphics in CSS you may or may not have come across this http://designfestival.com/the-cicada-principle-and-why-it-matters-to-web-designers/ personally it blows me away.
Want a hell of a lot of code snippets … bits and bobs … visit http://css-tricks.com/snippets/ lots there for developers / designers and the just plain curious ( Yes it has been around for ages but I’m trying to fill out the blog post with useful info) đŸ™‚
Now getting away from the usual web design / developer links we’ve got http://www.rome2rio.com/ which seems to be an incredibly handy site if you’re traveling. How do you get from A to B? and at what price?
And finally lets finish with a rather handy link to http://designfestival.com/a-handy-resource-for-1140px-designers/ we are after all in an ever expanding market of monitor users and people aren’t really using 800×600 unless they are on some kind of mobile device or .. lets realistically face it .. not in our target market ( for the most part)
So putting together this list … it’s very useful to me (James / Forbairt) I’ll remember to check back here for the links I was thinking about this week but is it useful to you and would you like to see more blog post round ups of links? Let us know