Hosting & Domains News

So Why Do You Choose Us?

Poll HeaderI spend a lot of my time thinking about marketing and sales.

We can track clicks, impressions, telephone calls, emails, live chats etc etc., but none of this data will answer one of the key questions:

Why us?

Why do people choose to register their domain name(s) or get hosting (or both) with us? Is it because of price? Location? Customer service? To be honest I wasn’t 100% sure (I’m still not!), but I think it’s a question that needs to be asked regularly.

So with that in mind I threw together a quick poll a few days ago to try and get an answer.

NB: The poll was not scientific and the data sample set was not particularly big.

The question being asked was pretty simple:

Why do you use us for hosting or domains?

This assumes that the respondent is already using our services, which for this particular poll was key.

The answer options available were:

A – Customer service / technical support
B – Range of products / services
C – Reputation (word of mouth)
D – Price
E – EU Based
F – Irish owned
G – Other

And the poll was setup so that people could choose more than one reason.

I wasn’t sure what people would choose, so I was genuinely surprised by some of the answers (and comments)

Results below:
Seemingly the most important factors were:
We are Irish owned, the quality of our customer service and our reputation.

Price came in 4th.

You can read the comments and see the full poll results here.

Now the next question is, what are we going to do with the data?

Well the obvious thing is to tweak any parts of our site where we try to answer that fundamental question:

Why choose us?

What do you think?

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