As we’ve recently explained, Blacknight has implemented contingency plans to support our entire staff working from home during the Coronavirus outbreak. We built on our experience of Storm Emma in 2018 and we are now operating as a fully distributed company, using remote working technology to ensure ‘Business as Usual’.
But it’s not ‘Business as Usual’ – not really. These are extraordinary times. They require extraordinary effort and imaginative thinking. Frontline healthcare staff are working heroically to safe lives. The public at large are keeping their distance to control the spread of the disease.
As for business? Many have had no option but to lay off staff. Those who can continue are helping to support the economy and the Exchequer, taking care of staff and relieving the burden on Social Welfare.
This is hard. It’s hard for people who’ve been laid off and for companies that have had to close their doors. It’s hard for shops that are open and working to enforce social distancing rules. It’s hard for people who are trying to work from home, with kids.
It’s hard for the kids who miss their friends. It’s hard for exam students especially.
Relying on Technology
Now, more than ever, we are relying on technology. Speaking last Friday on our new podcast, Blacknight’s Customer Experience Manager Alan O’Reilly explained that we are seeing an increase in network traffic and demand for internet services – and we are seeing a new type of customer. These are people who realise that they can survive this if they can move suitable aspects of their operations online.
This morning we launched a new national radio advertising campaign, beginning on Today FM and Newstalk. The message: Now We Need Better than Business as Usual.
We don’t pretend that eCommerce and Secure Remote Working are the solution to every problem. We don’t believe that companies can change their work practices overnight without difficulty. We’re feeling the pain of this transition as well – and we’re the experts.
Appropriately, we have been joined in this campaign by our partners at .IE – the national domain registry. At a time of national emergency, Irish people can look to each other – ar scáth a chéile.
Ar Scáth a Chéile
We are all in this together. We can help each other. Why not give our people a call in Carlow – in their homes around Carlow – and find out about Microsoft Teams and Office 365, about siteBuilder and the 20-minute website, about Business Class Email, about Broadband & Connectivity and any of the other ways you can use technology to make connections and do business online.
Listen to the radio ad:
(Shout out: – nice work Liam!)