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IEDR Optimise 2012 Awards

December 12th, 2012|


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IEDR Optimise 2012 Awards

Gianni Ponzi Optimise 2012

As the hosting providers for, a graduate of the IEDR’s Optimise 2012 initiative, we were delighted to attend the 2012 awards ceremony, hosted by the IEDR and attended by Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte, TD.

Unfortunately Padraig O’ Sullivan from couldn’t be there but we will be delighted to forward him his certificate

The fund, which in 2013 will be increased to €150,000 and made available to 20 SMEs, aims to support those companies in optimising their websites via training and e-commerce development services.

The fund is open to anyone that already has an existing .ie website.

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About the Author: Gianni Ponzi
Gianni is responsible for creating and managing relationships with high value customers and partners such as registries and ISVs and evaluating new business opportunities via new or existing partnerships, as well as product development. His role extends to streamlining sales processes, evaluating software systems and together with the marketing team, supporting various marketing initiatives across our various markets worldwide He likes domain names ( He's NOT well 🙂 ), cycling, reading and lego.

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