If you have a .CO.UK domain name, you may also have the first option to register the equivalent shorter .UK domain name – but only if you do so before 25 June (i.e. on 24 June!)
Prior to 2014, it was not possible to register a so-called second-level .UK domain. Registrants could only register a third-level name, within a suitable second-level domain such as .CO.UK or .ORG.UK.
When that policy changed, Nominet, the company which runs the .UK registry, automatically reserved second-level domains for holders of current third-level domains, provided those domains had been registered before 28 October 2013.
Holders of .CO.UK domains have been given first call on the new domains, but the right is also extended to .ORG.UK, .ME.UK, .NET.UK, .PLC.UK, or .LTD.UK, in that order of precedence, i.e. owning a .ME.UK name gives you the right of registration, only if the .ORG.UK and .CO.UK do not exist, and were not registered before 28 October 2013.
Those names having been held in reserve for five years, the deadline for exercising the right of registration will expire next Tuesday at 6:00am. Blacknight will accept applications for reserved .UK names up until 5pm on Monday 24th June.
Last week we wrote to our customers who have registered eligible third-level UK domains with us to advise them of the impending deadline. This blog post is a final call.
If you are in doubt about your eligiblity for a reserved second-level .UK name, please contact our sales team who will be happy to assist you. We have a special offer on .UK domains right now at just €5.99*.
* Price excludes VAT. Offer applies to the first year only of a new .UK domain name.