Our CEO, Michele Neylon, recently appeared on the iQ Global Podcast and discussed many different issues related to the pandemic and how it affected the domain and hosting industry. It’s a fascinating discussion on how things changed for the industry and Blacknight during an interesting two years. Michele speaks with Pinky Brand, SVP at iQ.

About iQ Global:

iQ is a software and consulting service provider for the domain name business. Its products and services are designed to provide both data-driven and experience-based business intelligence which, will enable you to gain meaningful insight, develop a strategy and deliver innovative platforms and websites for your own namespace.

You can listen to the podcast below with the YouTube embed or find it on your favorite podcast apps. You can also access and listen to this interview at https://podcast.iq.global/, or wherever you get your podcast.

But wait, there’s more!

They also recorded a fun video called 3 minutes with Michele Neylon – where they ask him some fun questions about himself.


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