Hosting & Domains News

Wow! We Won!

So this humble blog actually won the Best Blog of Business at the Irish Blog Awards last night!

I wasn’t in attendance, but I believe George was there to pick up our award.

Thanks to the sponsor, RedCardinal and the event organisers

While I’m sure there will be plenty of blog posts over the coming days from attendees, nominees and winners with lots of potentially embarassing photos etc, this one from Cathal Garvey caught my eye.
Cathal did an analysis of the blogging platforms and hosting providers of the shortlist.

Interestingly enough we are one of the few users of MovableType, but we host more of the shortlist than anyone else (the most popular blogging platform being WordPress).

So, we would appear to be the host of choice for Ireland’s top bloggers.

I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s still pretty cool!

UPDATE: Now with photo of the gorgeous award itself

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