Hosting & Domains News

Warmup Discussion For ICANN54

Yesterday evening I was on a panel at the ICANN 54 “pre-event” organised by INEX and ICANN in the Dean Hotel in Dublin.

It was an interesting event with a fairly lively discussion.

Karlin Lillington, from the Irish Times, was the event moderator and did a fantastic job of teasing out some of the key questions that needed to be asked.

The end result was a pretty good discussion of what ICANN is (and isn’t), what the “hot topics” are at the upcoming meeting and how people can get involved.

INEX was tweeting during the event so I’ll defer to their tweets:

Though one of the other comments from the Irish GAC rep did amuse me:

The 54th ICANN public meeting will be held in Dublin next month and it’s 100% free to attend, so why not show up? You’ll find more information on the official meeting site.

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