Hosting & Domains News

Want to Meet? Keep Track of Events we Attend

Strong coffee on the wooden background. Fresh coffee. Coffee in cup. Cappuccino coffee. Mocha coffee. Espresso coffee. Latte coffee. Coffee on table. Hot coffee. Coffee beans. Vintage coffee. Morning coffee. Strong coffee. Worm coffee.

We’ve always attended events both in Ireland and overseas and 2017 is no different.

And one of the things that I’ve always enjoyed about attending events is that you can often get to meet the person behind the email or the Twitter avatar. I always enjoy that.  However we probably haven’t done a very good job of letting people know which events we planned on attending, so it was a little bit messy for both us and people who wanted to meet with us. We’ve changed that and you can now see which events we, as a company, are attending right here.

How many people attend events?

It depends on the event, its location and what its focus is. We try to send at least two people to most events, but in some cases there’ll only be one of us there, whereas in some cases there could be 4 or 5 of us. (Think ICANN Dublin or WHD)

Who do we want to meet?

We’re always happy to meet with pretty much anyone, though you probably fall into one of two categories:

How can you setup a meeting?

Email us. Tweet us.

Tip: all of our staff have email addresses that are pretty easy to work out. See here.

I also keep a separate event calendar going here, which tracks the events I’m attending personally.

If you’d like to meet with me or any of our team just let us know.


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