Hosting & Domains News

Ubuntu, Fedora Core and OpenSuse VPS now available

We’ve been getting tonnes of feedback from customers over the past couple of weeks since our VPS product launch. As Michele has posted previously we’ve had lots of requests for other distros. Mostly our issues with these is cramming them all onto the website. We’re building an app behind the scenes to make it easier to choose the type of VPS you wanted along with the distro, OS of your choosing.
Since that’ll be a few days before it’s complete I’ve a few URLs to allow people to go in and signup for their VPS.
OpenSuse 10.3 can be purchase here.
Ubuntu 7.04 can be purchased here.
Fedora Core 7 can be purchased here.
You can navigate to different periods from within the store. e.g. you can pay for 3 months and not incur a setup or pay for 12 months and only pay for 10 etc.
Feel free to give us feedback here or on the forum and as usual if you have any issues don’t hesitate to drop us a line on our helpdesk.

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