As regular readers of our blog know we like to share our content across multiple social networks and tend to be relatively early adopters..
A few weeks ago Yoast posted about Twitter cards and how they were now “in the wild”. Unfortunately you still have to go to the Twitter developer site and signup to get them enabled for your site, which is a little annoying.
However it looks like we’ve now been enabled, so when we, or anyone else, tweets links to articles posted here they’ll be a lot “richer” on Twitter.
Here’s an example from our post earlier today (using a screenshot):
As you can see the “details” of the tweet expand to show content from our site including an image (if there is one), as well as both the author’s Twitter username and the company one. I think that’s kind of cool!
In order to enable Twitter cards for your site(s) you’ll need to add extra markup to your content – a bit like the opengraph markup that you might be using already. If you’re not too comfortable digging into the code then we’d recommend you try Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin, as it does all the “heavy lifting” for you.
So do you like this feature or hate it?
Do you know of any other CMS plugins that support this feature already?
Let us know in the comments!
RT @blacknight: Twitter Cards Now Enabled!: