Hosting & Domains News

New VPS Website and it’s all Web 2.0!!

Well it isn’t quite Web 2.0. But it’s now new and improved and shiny.
And before I get any complaints, we know Safari doesn’t look perfect yet :-).
We’ve removed .net and Linux VPS plans, you now have a simplified version of the site that has VPS plans that are OS agnostic. When you click buy now you’ll be able to use our fancy vps-shop web application to choose your OS and the package you want and whether or not you want to add Plesk!
So where is this fancy application I hear you cry. Any buy now link on will now take you to it.
All pricing for each period and for plesk etc is all contained within the web app.
There’s a few small issues outstanding that we’ll be fixing in time.
1) Safari doesn’t work well right now (if at all :/)
2) The initial page load is a little slow, we’re aware of this, it’s because of the volume of information being retrieved from our backend that causes this, we’re working on it.
3) Changing OS doesn’t appear to keep your selected options in all browsers. However if you change plan from basic to standard it keeps all your choices!
4) Non javascript users we’ll have a more accessible version soon (within a week or two) that’ll work particularly well for the visually impaired.
Please let us know what you think of the new simplified version of the site.
All feedback and comments are welcome.

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