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Extreme Art: IndieCork is Doing It Like Nowhere Else [Video]

On Sunday the Blacknight Festival Centre will open its doors to participants at IndieCork Festival, and it will remain open all week, each day from 12pm.

At the Festival programme launch last week, we spoke to some of the filmmakers  who will be showing their work at IndieCork, and we’ll bring you their stories over the next few days.

John Mulvaney is the director of Fractured, a series of shorts about extreme music. “Extreme art in Ireland isn’t always given the attention it deserves, he says. Sure we can distribute media online, but the theatre experience is still special. IndieCork is very important for media art, he says.

“You can’t that anywhere else in Ireland. IndieCork is doing it and nowhere else is doing it”.

Episodes of ‘Fractured’ feature in CineCeoil, Tuesday at 9pm in the Blacknight Festival Centre.

P.S. Want to win season tickets for IndieCork? Our competition closes at midnight!

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