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IE Tipping Point Report Reveals Majority of Irish SMEs don’t take steps to protect user privacy

IEDR has released a new .IE Tipping Point Report and it has revealed some rather alarming information – most notably that a majority of Irish SMEs surveyed – 6 in 10 according to the report – take no particular steps to protect customer data online or don’t know how to. Despite this, 75% of consumers say they are very or somewhat concerned about the security and privacy of their data.

The Tipping Point report is the third and final report in a series of surveys on Ireland’s post-COVID online economy. In previous reports, IEDR have shown how important online has become to Irish businesses and Irish consumers. The genie is now fully out of the bottle, and there is no going back to the ‘old’ way of doing things (despite the fact you will find some businesses very much trying to!).

Here are the key findings from the final report:

Despite all this new business happening online, businesses are not preparing for online related disasters, as they would prepare for a real-world disaster. According to the research, just 15% of SMEs said they use a firewall or antivirus software, while only 11% use two-factor authentication. Just 4% said they trained staff in cybersecurity best practices.

The survey was carried out in January and February 2022 and assessed the attitudes of 1,000 Irish consumers and 502 retail and consumer-facing professional services SMEs to e-commerce and digital business during the Covid pandemic. Overall, the results show a clear and sustained adaptation to e-commerce and digital business by both consumers and SMEs.

The IEDR CEO said in the press release, “Consumers in the post-Covid era will be driven by convenience, ease of use, and experience.”

The entire report is available on the IEDR website; I highly recommend taking a look at it. It’s important for all businesses to understand that Ireland’s digital economy has been forever changed by COVID-19, and those who don’t adapt, will be left behind. Obviously, Blacknight can help you adapt!

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