The IEDR, which runs the .ie domain name registry, will be introducing a new dispute resolution process in July of this year.
At the moment if there’s a dispute involving a .ie domain name registration, such as one in relation to trademark rights, the only avenue open to a complainant is the ieDRP which is managed by WIPO. It’s not a simple process and it’s quite costly. Other country code registries, such as Nominet (.uk) and DNS Belgium (.be) have “lighter” and more cost-effective dispute resolution mechanisms. The new Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy (ADRP) isn’t designed to replace the ieDRP, but to deal with disputes that otherwise didn’t have a clear avenue apart from the courts.
As IEDR explain, the types of disputes that this new process is designed to deal with include:
- Business-to-business disputes about registration or use of .ie domains
- Family business disputes about registration or use of .ie domains
- Disputes relating to a .ie domain being registered by a party such as a web-developer on behalf of a client
- Instances of impersonation / passing-off in relation to the registration or use of a .ie domain
- Instances of defamation in relation to the registration or use of a .ie domain
- Instances where a .ie domain has been registered solely to sell or rent it to another party
- Instances where a .ie domain has been registered or used to disrupt a competitors’ business
- Instances of fraudulent activity in relation to the registration or use of a .ie domain
- Instances where a .ie domain holder is dissolved
- Circulation of racist or defamatory material in relation to the registration or use of a .ie domain
- Misleading or confusing internet users into thinking a .ie domain is operated by the Complainant
The system will be managed by a neutral 3rd party Net Neutrals.
These changes come out of the IEDR’s Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) on which we sit.
Overall we think this change is positive, though until it’s been in operation for a few months it’ll be impossible to see how well it works for us and our clients.