Hosting & Domains News

ICT Expo with Open Ireland / ILUG

I’ll be giving a talk on Open Source software in business at the ICT Expo next Friday, 5th May, 2006 in the RDS.
The talk is part of a series being organised by Open Ireland in collaboration with ILUG that will run over the course of the two day event.
The talk is officially entitled:
Linux and some of its friends in the enterprise

Linux and its Gnu/other friends in the enterprise, introducing several ways that this flexible system can be exploited within the enterprise. Here there will be a talk on the use of databases, email, appropriate content on the network be that servers or on the desktop. This space is so broad but we have managed to extract from the field just a few gems.

So you can expect to hear about a very wide range of topics crammed into a very short period of time biggrin.gif
At Blacknight we use a combination of both Open Source solutions and proprietary ones to run not only our core systems but many aspects of our business interaction with our clients. As a business we do not have the luxury of making decisions based purely on philosophy. We have to make the right choice in order to deliver the best solution to our clients and partners at all times.

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