Hosting & Domains News

GDPR Perspectives EURALO Slides

Data and privacy security. Information protection. File folder and chain with lock. 3d

Earlier this evening EURALO hosted a webinar on GDPR. Unlike many of the webinars that have been held within the context of ICANN over the last few months this one was not purely focussed on whois. Also, due to the variety of speakers, the topics covered weren’t all ICANN related, as there were speakers from a country code domain (Pierre from .fr) and another from a Regional Internet Registry (Athina from RIPE).

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, the focus from my perspective was more holistic than simply looking at whois and domains. GDPR impacts business across all its facets and people need to be conscious of this.

My slides aren’t particularly long or detailed, but they’re embedded below:

You can download the presentations from the other participants as well as get access to recordings here.


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