I’d like to think that we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Sure – hosting is a serious business, but there’s nothing wrong with having a bit of a laugh from time to time – even if its from a competitor!
One of our competitors posted a link to a YouTube video today that was quite amusing. Remember Monty Python?
NB: Contains some language that people *may* find offensive
“On second thoughts, let us not go to Carlow for it is a smelly place”.
(I will leave it to the reader to determine whether the smell is on ozone and magic smoke).
I was oddly disappointed that it was just a straight clip from Grail, after all it’s got to be really high on the “Oh I’ve never seen that clip before, what’s it from?” scale for ye.
For a different cut, consider: http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=cnCvpJwKKpw
or http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=leEsz9ci5XE
I found a LOT of videos on YouTube , though the Star Trek one is new for me 🙂