Hosting & Domains News

DomainFest Europe – Prague – Quick Preview

I’m currently in Prague for DomainFest Europe.

The event officially kicks off tomorrow morning, though I suspect that the city is already being invaded by internet professionals from the four corners of the globe.

The event agenda covers a good range of topics, with experts in the fields of law, advertising, SEO and PPC being joined by domain industry professionals.

While I expect the sessions tomorrow to be educational I suspect a lot of people are here for the live auction in the afternoon. The list of domains that are to go under the hammer is, as common with DomainFest events, impressive and includes, and

And of course the why people like me go to events like this is for the networking. I’ve attended quite a few internet industry events over the last few years and I’ve always found that DomainFest is a good venue to make new contacts and rekindle old ones.

If you’re attending please make sure to say “hi”!

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