“While the rest of Europe was speaking their own languages and writing in Latin, the Irish decided that they wanted to write in their own language instead.” – The Culture Trip
Tá cur síos spéisiúil san alt seo ar na 10 teanga is ársa ar domhan, agus a labhartar go fóill. Dar ndóigh, tá gach teanga de shíor ag forbairt agus ag athrú, ach tá rud éigin speisialta faoi na teangacha a luaitear anseo. Tugtar creidiúint don nGaeilge don litríocht choiteann is ársa in Iarthar na hEorpa.
This article has an interesting take on ‘The 10 Oldest Languages Still Spoken In The World Today’. Of course, all languages are constantly changing and developing, but each of these languages it is claimed has “something special – something ancient”. Irish gets credit for having the oldest vernacular literature in Western Europe.